Personal Development and Intercultural Understanding through Travelling
Youth Exchange: 18-29th September 2019
We are currently creating the second edition of this Youth Exchange happening end of 2020. Sign up to stay up to date when registration is open.
Traveling is a wonderful way to discover ourselves and the world we’re living in, to widen our horizons, to get out of our comfort zones, gain new perspectives, discover new cultures, have enriching encounters and so much more. We aim to encourage young people with fewer opportunities to travel and to prepare them for their upcoming journey on a deep and meaningful level.
Find the courage and your purpose to travel
Overcome your resistances and fears
Improve the way you deal with uncertainties and challenges
Connect with other cultures
EnCourage is an 10-day action-oriented Youth Exchange aiming at mobility and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Through a variety of activities embedded in the archetypal story pattern of “The Hero's Journey” the participants will create their own vision for their personal Hero's Journey.
EnCourage gives a playground where participants can experience, reflect and improve their personal and intercultural competences with a focus on cultural awareness and social responsibility.
Start your Adventure
Youth Exchange
Local communities, online
Arrival day: 15th July until 16:00
Departure day: 18th July until 10:00
Arrival day: 18th September until 16:00
Departure day: 29th September until 10:00
From the 30th of September - 30th of October you will receive support to organize local events or online content with the aim to create positive impact, activate fellow young people, and share your learning and experiences.
Group Leaders
The program integrates approaches, methods and exercises from various fields. The participants will collect experiences through the levels: mind, emotions and body – in order to create a holistic experience. We will use approaches and methods from the following areas:
About our methodology
What you can get out of it
Veronika Mercks
Veronika unleashes potentials, she is a creator of experiential spaces, an initiator, a dancer and she is passionate about individual travelling and personal development. After two years working at a school in Hamburg, 8.5 months backpacking through Africa and India, she started building up the educational initiative Navigaia Journeys.
Albert Poetzsch
Christian Walker
Christian has experience working with youth of very different backgrounds and in different environments. From summer camps in Spain as an animator to facilitating intercultural workshops as an EVS for young people in Belgium. He has gained plenty of knowledge, skills and competences to work with youth in non-formal environments. As a former EVS volunteer, he understands and has profited of the impact of such Erasmus+ mobility programs as it has catapulted him to become a trainer. As a traveler himself, he encourages and inspires the new generations to live the life that they want to create for themselves.
Albert is a certified coach and trainer with great travel experience. He has lived in 7 countries and traveled for several months through South and Central America. His main competencies are creativity, coaching and communication. His aim is to empower and support young individuals to engage in social change by starting their own journeys.
Żaklina, is an inspirer, adventurer, border breaker and mentor of life journeys. Her passion lies in the challenges, the unknown and the encounters. She worked in various cross-cultural projects, is a certified coach and trainer and lived in various countries. In the 4 years she spent in Latin America and is sharing about her learnings through her blog "aventura intuition".
Żaklina Scholz
Meet the facilitators
A variety of activities, embedded in the archetypal story pattern of “The Hero's Journey”, will wait for you. Each day will have another exciting theme. As our Youth Exchange „EnCourage“ will be like a journey itself, you will experience the itinerary while participating. Be curious! Be open! Cast off! Let's go on this adventure together!
Day 1 - Arrival Day
Day 2 - The Crew & I
Day 3 - Calling
Day 4 - Resistances and Fears
Day 5 - World of Wonders #1
Day 6 - World of Wonders #2
Day 7 - Challenges #1
Day 8 - Challenges #2
Day 9 - Reintegration
Day 10 - Open Space
Day 11 - Closing
Day 12 - Departure
You will be hosted in rooms with 4 people.
A magical place in the middle of nature not far away from Berlin. This refurbished holiday resort from the past GDR era will already be part of your journey.
All costs for accommodation, food, travel (up to a limit) and material are covered by Erasmus+. We do not charge any additional fee.
Travel Reimbursement
The travel reimbursement is the maximum amount to which your travel expenses can be reimbursed according to your country.
€180 (Germany, Latvia, Czech Republic)
€275 (Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Hungary)
€360 (Portugal)
Czech Republic
Agora Aveiro
Vega Youth Center
Brno Connected
Asociatia Se Poate
Youth Id
Nataša Gološin
Sanja Kamberovic
Katka Martínková
Madlen Nenkova
Paula Sabou
Yanis Lammari
Anna Sipos
Thomas Schallhart
Contact Person
Selection date is 18th of July. If you apply after this date you will be on the waiting list and contacted in case there are open spots available.
Advanced Planning Visit
During the APV which happened from the 15th until 18th of July, the EnCourage Team and 9 great group leaders, shaped together ithe nternational youth exchange happening in September.
Results of the Youth Exchange
Here you will find the results of the Youth Exchange which happened from the 18-29th September 2019
Find a selection of moments and impressions we experienced during the Youth Exchange.
Watch the videos our participants created about their outdoor challenge.
Watch Kalina's presentation on travelling.
Do you have any questions or want to talk to us?
Drop us an email at: navigaia.encourage.project@gmail.com
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