E N C O U R A G E 3

Personal Development and Intercultural Understanding through Travelling

Preparation Visit: 24th-27th February

Youth Exchange: 23rd April- 4th May 2023

Travelling is a wonderful way to discover ourselves and the world we’re living in, to widen our horizons, to get out of our comfort zones, gain new perspectives, discover new cultures, have enriching encounters and so much more.

We aim to encourage young people with fewer opportunities to travel and to prepare them for their upcoming journeys on a deep and meaningful level.

Find your strengths and connect to your courage.

Overcome your fears and increase your


Improve the way you deal with uncertainties and challenges.

Connect with other people and cultures.


EnCourage3 is a 10-day action-oriented Youth Exchange aiming at mobility and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. Through a variety of activities embedded in the archetypal story pattern of “The Hero's Journey” 40 young people created their own vision for their personal Hero's Journey - their own path in life.

EnCourage3 provides a playground where young people could experience, reflect and improve their personal and intercultural competences with a focus on cultural awareness and social responsibility.

The Adventure




Youth Exchange


NATURKULTUR, Ostelhoz-Scharmbek (Bremen, Germany)

Local communities, online

Several online preparation meeting with the team and the group leaders.

In March 2023

Arrival day: 21st April (Team and Group Leaders) 23rd April (for participants) until 16:00

Departure day: 4th May until 12:00

From the 5th May- 30th of June the participants will organize events or online content with the aim to create positive impact, activate fellow young people, and share their learnings and experiences.

For Who

Group Leaders

  • You are aged between 18-30 years
  • You are someone who hears the calling to travel but something has kept you from going on your journey so far.
  • You are facing disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities. You can find more information here.
  • You have preferably no or little experiences abroad.
  • You are enthusiastic, motivated, open to new challenges and experiences.
  • You are willing and able to participate in all phases of the project (Preparation & Youth Exchange & Follow-Up Activities).
  • You're able to understand and speak basic English.


  • You are aged 20+ years.
  • You are experienced in traveling and want to encourage others to start their own journey.
  • You are willing and able to participate in all activities (APV & Youth Exchange).
  • You are willing to support your national group throughout all phases of the project (Preparation & Youth Exchange & Follow-Up).
  • You are enthusiastic, motivated, open to new challenges and experiences.
  • You are willing and able to participate in all phases of the project (Preparation Visit & Youth Exchange & Follow-Up Activities).
  • You're able to speak basic English.


The program will be held in basic English language and includes approaches, methods and exercises from different fields so you will have the opportunity to create your own holistic experience (mind, physical body and emotions). We will use approaches and methods from the following areas:

About our methodology


  • Learn about opportunities to go abroad and opportunities within Erasmus+;
  • Increased your awareness and understanding of other cultures;
  • Develop key competencies;
  • Exchange and connect with people from different countries.
  • Improve the way you deal with fears, uncertainties and challenges;
  • Increase your openness towards the unknown;
  • Experience how you can take social responsibility, in a community and through travelling;
  • Get in contact with your body and your emotions.
  • Find the courage to travel, especially in Europe;
  • Find your travel purpose;
  • Become more active and mobile in the European society;
  • Develop inter- and intrapersonal skills;
  • Increase your self-confidence.

What you can get out of it

What previous participants say

Meet the team

Christian is trainer and coach with great experience working with youth from different backgrounds and in very different environments. From summer camps in Spain as an animator to facilitating Erasmus+ projects. He is passionate about experiential learning and has gained plenty of knowledge, skills and competences to work with youth in non-formal environments. As a former EVS volunteer, he understands and has profited of the impact of such Erasmus+ mobility programs as it has catapulted him to become a trainer and facilitator. As a traveler himself, he aims to encourage and inspire the new generations to explore new opportunities and to live the life that they want to create for themselves.

Sanja Kamberović has been active in the field of Youth in Action since 2013. In 2014, she had her first experience as a co-trainer in ReSource, an international training course. Since 2013 she has been active in different NGOs, where she has organised and promoted all kinds of events in the environment of non-formal education for youth. Here, she learned intercultural and organisational competences which have been of great value for her development. Continuing her relationship and passion towards non-formal education, she has co-trained in several Erasmus+ training courses. In 2016, she was an EVS volunteer at a cultural centre in Spain and here she also put in practice and enhanced her organisational skills. Today, she is a coordinator of voluntary service of Serbia.

Christian Walker

Sanja Kamberović

Gabriela has been involved with Erasmus+ projects for 6 years, taking part in more than 20 projects (as a participant, team member, coordinator and facilitator). As a double graduate in Psychology and Nutrition and Dietetics, and with a master's in Clinical Psychology, Gabriela found the Erasmus+ field as the ideal playground to share the knowledge, experience and skills that she developed throughout the years. She is very passionate about working with groups of young people, always focusing on creating a safe and friendly environment for participants to be authentic. For the last years, she has been working as a project manager on EU-funded projects.

Gabriela Braneanu

Facilitator & Project manager


Project manager

Nikos is a non-formal education facilitator who is working on projects in the Netherlands, UK, Greece, Latvia and Germany. In his work, he likes to explore the connection of body and mind, and work with the topics of movement and outdoor activities. His story started when he was volunteering at Olde Vechte Foundation where he learnt about Erasmus+ projects and discovered a completely new world. He sees Erasmus+ projects as a space where young people can see who they are, what they are good at and what are their passions and from then on discover how they can use these skills in order to create the life they want.

Nikos Verros

Team Member

A variety of activities, embedded in the archetypal story pattern of “The Hero's Journey”, will wait for you. Each day will have another exciting theme. As our Youth Exchange „EnCourage3“ will be like a journey itself, you will experience the itinerary while participating. Be curious! Be open! Cast off! Let's go on this adventure together!


You will be hosted in mixed rooms with 4 people.

Kultur Haus will be our accommodation for the time of the training. Only our group will stay here and the staff members, giving us a safe and quiet learning environment. Inside the building there is a conference room for the activities, bedrooms, and areas to socialise. There will be 3 meals and 2 coffee breaks provided during the indoor training. We take your special diets and allergies into consideration in case you give us information upfront.





All costs for accommodation, food, travel (up to the limits below) and material are covered by Erasmus+.

We ask participants to contribute a small participation fee to cover organizational expenses, which is €30.

Should this be a limiting factor for your participation, please express this in your application. Limited scholarships are available.

Travel Reimbursement

The travel reimbursement is the maximum amount to which your travel expenses can be reimbursed according to your country.

Travel budget:

€180 (Germany)

€275 (Serbia, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Czech Republic)

€360 (Portugal, Greece)

Green travel budget:

€210 (Germany)

€320 (Serbia, Romania, Poland, Latvia, Czech Republic)

€410 (Portugal, Greece)










Czech Republik


Vega Youth Center


Fundacja Innowator

Strong Romania

ROES Cooperativa

Rota Jovem


Brno Connected

Organisation Email









Contact Person

Sanja Kamberovic


Monika Grzesiak-Chmura

Paula Sabou

Ilias Giannopoulos

Gabriela Braneanu

Tereza Krausova

Application Process

1. Fill in the application form.

2. Receive a confirmation mail.

3. Check your inbox for the results.

The steps

Application Form HERE

Videos from previous participants

Some pictures.

Do you have any questions or want to talk to us?

Drop us an email at: navigaia.encourage.project@gmail.com

Organized by

Funded by

Contact us


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